Your True Core: Pain & Fear?

Posted by myhealthexperts on October 31, 2008

Most of us are hopelessly clueless to just how much fear or pain, choose whichever words makes sense for you, rule our lives.  We fail to make the deeper connections behind all the negative feelings we experience. I mean, did you ever figure out yet, why traffic makes you so impatient and angry? We never realize these feelings all stem from a robotic, mechanical ‘self’ that even science shows is an illusion, devoid of free will and simply bouncing from one cause & effect to the next.

Yes, my friend, you are a robot, monkey, cockroach, use whatever word you need to drive home the realization that you are indeed not a free human being, but a slave to your programs. Want proof?  No truly intelligent being would intentionally hurt themself. Yet we all hurt, in many ways, every day!

I realized this myself once when I lost a job I had. My reaction was fear of the unknown future that was ahead of me. How would I pay my bills, etc? I felt a wave of depression and anxiety rise over me. Then I woke up and caught myself slipping into this automatic response. I then in my pause, asked myself if there was any other possible reality that could also be in my future? I quickly realized that just as viable was the potential for this door that just closed (my job loss) to free up my time to look for other doors that could open! I could in fact create any number of possible futures that all had a positive spin on them.

So I thought to myself in my awakened state – why did I automatically choose to go with the negative feelings over losing my job? I did because I was not really awake, not fully present to the experience, and as such I reacted with my lower self, my ‘Pain Body’ as Eckhart Tolle calls it.

One of my clients told me he wanted to lose his belly fat. I said, ‘belly fat is from high cortisol, so do some stress management techniques”. He said he couldn’t do that, that he was afraid he might lose his motivation. There you have it – he needed his stress, aka FEAR and PAIN to keep him moving in life! Fear and pain are what most people use to drive themselves through life! Uhhh, are we all insane or what?

Ok, before I lose you, watch this clip of Eckhart on the ‘Pain Body’  – do not make the mistake of dismissing this valuable lesson just because the words you might use, like ‘Jesus’ or ‘God’ are not there.  Getting hung up on words and missing the lesson only insures you will remain in pain.  Interesting that often those needing fear and pain to move through life are also the ones who cling to the manufactured ways society tells them will bring them ‘salvation’ or ‘peace’.  Seek the deeper understanding. (Note: Your True Core is not Pain and Fear – but something much more magical! Discover this with me at )

4 Responses to “Your True Core: Pain & Fear?”

  1. EM said

    But fear/pain is GOOD. If you didn’t have that, you cannot grow. Pressure, stress etc are almost synomymous with growth, birth, expansion, development etc. So, I think I will take my pain and love every second that I feel it. 🙂

  2. myhealthexperts said

    Fear and pain are neither good nor bad, they simply are. And yes, we need to fear certain things are ways to protect ourselves from getting hurt. But that instinctual fear or pain is in the moment. Its the lingering emotional scars that we relive over and over again of fear and pain that we need to wake up to.

    Only a truly awake person can take their pain and love every second they feel it….so I assume you are one of the rare few awakened individuals who lives fully in each moment, loving every minute and everyone who you cross paths with? Never reacting to anyone or anything but instead truly free to ACT? I want to meet you!

  3. CC Williams said

    I really enjoyed the video and OMG it makes such sense of how we going around living everyday life. We are really the creators of a lot of our own pain and how many of us would be willing to look at that? Everyday I think to myself I want to be living a better life in all aspects and not be a slave to my everyday life and it can be quiet difficult if your not willing to take the time for yourself to really feel into that and come up with some sort of revelation to the future or even the now!

  4. myhealthexperts said

    Great point CC – you need to make ‘happy’ your #1 priority. Now for happy, use the word God, or Jesus, Alla, Buddha,Zen its all the same…and on a deeper level practicing mindfullness, or ‘not-mind’ is the only way to lasting happiness!

    You need to be ruthless with your daily practice and committment to it, because your mind will tell you all sorts of reasons to avoid it!

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