Archive for September, 2008

“You Have Cancer” – Now What?

Posted by myhealthexperts on September 29, 2008

Every day your body develops cancer cells – life and death go on in harmony inside you on a cellular level without your awareness. Typically cancer cells committ suicide via the p-53 apoptosis gene. But in a body overwhelmend with stress, poor nutrition, environmental toxicity and other genetic and epigenetic factors, cancer cells can proliferate rapidly.

Its amazing that the more you learn about the science of health and your body, the lines separating you and your world blur. Global warming is wrecking the planet and now we know that inside our bodies excess heat in the form of inflammation is wrecking our bodies too. Both are caused by burning too much fuel – in the form of oil for society, and food for our bodies. Both forms of overheating are caused by a cancerous lifestyle where you, your friends and family (society) blindly chase an agenda that seems good and noble but is really a Malthusian tragedy of epidemic proportions. Or is that a Darwinian tragedy? Lets call it both.

As Yeats predicted a century ago, the Second Coming is at hand and the Joker in the film Batman: The Dark Knight is the poster boy for our collective Karma coming home to roost. As Yeats said, ‘the ceremony of innocence is drowned’ meaning your blind ignorance to the consequences of your lifestyle will not protect you from the pain and suffering created by it. Pain is a blessing in disguise – it really helps us to wake up and see the dysfunction in our lives – be it physical, mental or spiritual. We can run from it – medicating with drugs, alcohol, working too much, making money into a God, etc, but my guy feeling is we can NEVER escape it, even in death. On your last breath all the running in the world will not save you and you will have to face yourself.

Any idiot can see our current system is cancerous. On a personal level, cancer rates are rising. Cancer is no fun – trust me. Two of my close friends are currently going through the ordeal now and its rough. Chemo is painful and extremely toxic, increasing the risks of unhealthy reactions in the future by its very poisonous nature. A ‘Catch-22′.

So what do we do – roll the dice and hope we dont get cancer or is there another way? For me its breaking free of the cancerous lifestyle I am leading. It’s hard to break free. Our culture does not reward real freedom, or true individuals, only those who operate withing the acceptable confines of what serves the economy and nation. We crucify, imprison or kill those who preach a message of freedom. I am not ready to be crucified or even imprisoned, but I will start carrying my cross at least! lol ….I find that by taking baby steps I can crawl out of my grave and into a new paradigm for wholistic living. And in that connect more with the core experience of what it means to be alive.

One of my clients asked me how to lose his belly fat- and I asked him what he thought caused it. “Stress” he answered. “So try stress management” I told him. “I can’t do that’ he replied, ‘because I am afraid I will lose my motivation and drive.” “I love it!” I said, “Do you realize just how deep that idea is? That you, a devout Christian, are an utter hypocrite? This is your hypocracy staring you in the face!”. Our stress is addictive – the adrenaline we release is a morphine like compound and it sure feels good. Cortisol is another stress hormone, and both of these together are literally toxic to our bodies. And the cortisol is also what contributed to my clients belly fat as the fat cells there have more sensitivity to cortisol fluctuations.

Bottom Line – the best cancer strategy is PREVENTION!

Live Longer and Prevent Cancer by S-L-O-W-I-N-G DOWN!
Two of the most powerful and simple things you can do to prevent cancer are, taking in the Light and the Darkness. By day – the sun is the most potent anti-cancer weapon you have. All you need is a small amount daily, or even 3-4 times a week as I wrote before in previous e-mails, to radically reduce the chances of getting cancer. This is because the sun enables endogenous vitamin D synthesis to take place from cholesterol. So you can drop cholesterol levels and reduce cancer risks. I take 10-15 minutes 4-5 times a week, stop my hectic work schedule and force myself to SLOW DOWN. Go out in the sun and treat myself to creations best source of health! (Read my article on Suntan Science if

By night – the dark also serves us. Sleep releases melatonin, the most potent anti-oxidant an anti-cancer hormone our bodies make. Darkness is needed for this to happen – any light hitting the body (thats right, the body has light sensitive cells everywhere) will blunt melatonin release. You cannot make up for lost sleep when it comes to the anti-cancer benefits of melatonin release. Many of my clients do not sleep well, wired on stress and caffeine by day they find it hard to ‘let go’ and shift into the darkness unless they are medicated. Not good. Slow down and breathe, take back your life and align yourself with the harmony naturally present in the world, and you will reap enormous benefits from it.

Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall, And All the Kings Horses and All…:
You think all the money in the world can save you? What good does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul? Ask Jackie Onassis, who had the best medical care money could buy – it did not save her life. The statistics on chemotherapy are abysmal unless you follow them with a complimentary protocol of detox, IV nutrients etc. One of my mentors, Gary Null, was offering to help
Jackie at the time, but her Harvard and Yale educated doctors assured her she had the best care money could buy. And of course a nice coffin to go along with it.

Tough? Sometimes we all need a little tough love to see outside the prisons of our mind. We all have to die sometime, so in a deeper sense 20 days or 20 years extra to live are no difference. But I think most of us are not ready for that lesson yet and would prefer the 20 year option. 

Conclusion: Connect Your Dots!!
Preventing cancer and the other diseases is the smartest choice. All of these are caused by inflammation – running too hot (“FASTER, HARDER”) through our lives. And of course 3 billion people just like you, running too hot, is leading the planet to heat up as well. What kind of legacy are we
leaving our children and their children?

Slow down, experience each moment more fully. Breathe slow and deep, relax, get out in the sun a little. Make good, deep sleep a value as well. Take time to make healthy meals. Work less – where the hell is it written 40 + hour workweeks are healthy and essential to a great life?

Be aware of your choices or one day soon you will beware of that “rough beast, slouching towards Bethlehem to be born”.*

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Slow Down Aging with Magnesium

Posted by myhealthexperts on September 28, 2008

Thats right, Magnesium Deficiency Leads to Accelerated Aging. A recent study showed that human cells grown in a magnesium deficient environment had accelerated aging. One of the mechanisms of this aging was an increased loss of telomere length. Telomeres are the protective regions on the end of chromosomes that keep all your cells dividing properly. Each time they divide, you age, in essence because the length of telomere shortens. This is why you only have so many cell divisions before you age and die.

Now we realize that our environment, not just nutrients like magnesium but stressors like toxic thoughts, toxic chemicals etc can also affect telomere length. Magnesium is especially crucial because Americans are notoriously deficient in magnesium – our soils are depleted of it from the ravages of industrial farming that literally causes fertile top-soil to wash away every year.

Foods high in magnesium include greens like Kale and Spinach, nuts like almonds and cashews – and if you can afford, organic as you typically will find more nutrients like magnesium in organic produce.

Supplemental magnesium is also a good idea for most as few eat healthy enough to get adequate amounts of magnesium. Look for a magnesium in a ‘Chelate’ form such as magnesium aspartate, or magnesium carbonate.

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